Linear Bearing Components

Turnomat Fixed Linear Motion Bearings and Slides - Edwardsburg, Michigan

These are purchasable pieces, that are used for refurbishing ( rebuilding ) older units that have come to the end of their long service life and those units that need to be reconfigured for use for some other application.

Besides the standard lengths, these come in a multitude of lengths in one half inch increments. Per your request.

Shaft ends
Although they come plain ( no holes ), they can be ordered with tapped holes, or with some other mounting hole or holes on one or both ends. This would come per your sketch. Of course other end configurations are possible upon your request.

Square Housings
These heavy duty housings can be furnished with keys or some other precision locator for mounting. Per your request.

Round Body Housings
These round body housings are ground for a medium press fit, they can also be furnished with a radial groove or a precision flat for radial location. Per your request.

Bronze or Turcite Gibs
These are furnished in the same size’s as the standard Ball Bearing units.

Ball Bearing Gibs
These versatile ball units can come in other materials, Bronze, Stainless Steel.

Ball Plates ( Mountable )
These versatile ball units can come in other materials, Bronze, Stainless Steel.

Made in the USA

Click Here to Contact Turnomat

Turnomat - a division of
K&K Machine
25783 U.S. Highway 12
Edwardsburg, Michigan 49112
Phone: 269-259-5686